Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Happiness Is...

- the warm sun on my face when I walked outside yesterday during my lunch hour. I then sat in the sun and read for a few was glorious.

- not giving my husband grief when he sent me on a wild goose chase for his the wrong pharmacy. He was certain he called it in...he the other store. But I didn't give him a hard time as he was doing enough of that himself. Although I felt pretty dumb at the counter telling the techs that it had been called in the day before so there should be no reason why it wasn't ready now. :-)

- the peanut butter/jelly bars that a co-worker brought in Monday. We are still nibbling on them today. I'm sure they have 1,000 calories each but they are so damn good I just can't help but have at least 1 each day.

- knowing my blogging buddies are here for me. I always get good advice and encouragement from you guys. And you usually help me see another side of things that I might have missed in my rage/frustration/sadness. So...thanks.

- daylight savings time this weekend. I will be getting home and still having an hour (or more as time goes by) of daylight. I will use this time wisely to either enjoy my deck (that has been ignored in the cold and snow) or I will go for evening walks around the neighborhood. I haven't been able to walk around a neighborhood (and feel safe) since I was a kid.


Anonymous said...

It's daylight savings this weekend?! Super! I used to hate losing an hour of sleep, but I am also a fan of extra daylight at the end of the day :).

Alison said...

Love this! Thanks for the reminder about daylight savings! :)

C said...

Eek. Thanks for the reminder about day light savings. I think ours is two weeks later. The sunshine sounds glorious. Love, love, love your positive attitude.
