Thursday, March 24, 2011

Happiness Is...

- the Little Guy had his first practice this last Saturday and it was so much fun.  I so wish I could be a coach.  Now that he's playing kid pitch (as opposed to machine pitch) I think the games are going to be so much more exciting.  His coach is one of our neighbors that we got to know even before our houses were built and we really like his style and his dedication.  He picked the LG to be on his team and we couldn't be happier.  The LG was the first kid that got to practice pitching...and he loved it!

- getting a big laugh out of my husband last night.  We were sitting on the couch and the LG was taking a shower.  We heard something in the distance and BJ asked me if it was thunder or a helicopter.  So I said, "I don't know, maybe you should rewind it."  We both laughed really hard at that.  See...we have a DVR and whenever we miss something we always just say "rewind it".  It's so bad that we've even tried to do it for things we miss on the radio.  We are so spoiled.

- chili dogs for dinner tonight.  We had chili Tuesday night for dinner and decided to have chili dogs with the leftovers.  I love a good chili dog.

- green grass, blooming trees and more daylight in the evening.  I love this time of year.  We are having a local nursery (plant, of course) send someone out to our house tomorrow evening to help us plan our front yard plant bed.  I can't wait to dig up what the builder put in and expand things a little bit and make it the way I want it.

- BJ asking me if I'm sure I'm not pregnant because of all this boob pain I'm having.  I told him that I had a pretty normal period.  And then I got to periods have been so light and short since my last IVF what if I mistakenly thought it was normal?  It was a fleeting moment but the thought was there.  How crazy would that have been?

- things are going ok with the new boss so far.  Granted it's only been since Monday and he was traveling yesterday but still.  I saved him from missing his connecting flight home yesterday so I figured I earned some brownie points

- my old boss has called me twice already!  It's good to hear her voice and to hear how she's liking her first week of retirement.  She's had a couple of technical questions (she's NOT technically inclined at all) about her iPhone and I have helped her.  Some things never change.


Alex said...

You cracked me up about the rewind it comment - we do it all the time! And I have definitely reached over to my radio to rewind it, only to realize...

And that's funny that your old boss has called you twice already! She really relies on you, doesn't she?

someday-soon said...

Enjoy your chili dog! Happy things with the new boss are going well. I agree that the blooming plans are enough to make a girl happy this time of year =)

Alison said...

Glad things are going well with the new boss and too funny about your old boss calling you already :)

Anonymous said...

Love these posts! We do the 'rewind' thing too, how did we ever watch TV before DVRs??? :)

Anonymous said...

I hate watching live tv! I love the pause button too, even when not watching something dvr'ed :).
Hope things continue to go well with your new boss!

A m a n d a said...

Ahhh, spring and DVR...two of my favorite things :) Glad you're having a nice weekend with your family!