Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Happiness Is...

I haven’t done one of these posts in forever and since I am just playing the waiting game these days I need to force myself to focus on other positive things going on in my life. So here goes...

- My knockout roses are showing signs of life. I love these rose bushes. I have 2 of them on either side of my porch steps and they have a history of growing really big and full and having tons of blooms all through Summer. I noticed the little “sprigs” last weekend. Yay for Spring!

- The Little Guy starting baseball! He just finished up basketball where he did so much better than last year and we are heading straight into baseball. He has a 2-day camp coming up and then tryouts are on 3/17. Can’t wait to use my new camera to get pictures of him hitting the ball and running!

- Warmer weather taking over. Aside from yesterday and today our temperatures are steadily climbing day by day. I love Spring, it’s just a preview of great things to come with sunshine and flowers and green trees...I can’t wait.

- Getting back in the gym. I fell off the wagon and it traveled 100 miles without me but it has circled back around and it took all I had but I climbed back on. I’m just about to go down to the gym now and do my daily 25 minute walk. It feels good to be doing something even if it’s not really for weight loss.

- Hearing from my mom. She’s alive and still has a roof over her head and that is reassuring. It’s not an ideal situation, but she’s ok and that’s what matters to me. I haven’t heard from her since September so the surprise phone call last week put my mind at ease.


someday-soon said...

I love your happiness lists =) Signs of spring are popping up around here, LOVE! Good for you for getting in the gym, eases anxiety...and we all could use that. Happy you're mom is ok.

Rebecca said...

One of these days I'll make a list of what makes me happy. Right now I'm stuck in cranky. Hoping all goes well for you soon with the procedure. Good luck!

Leslie said...

Yeah for a Happiness post!! I am glad everything is well and that all is OK for your mom!! I look forward to more happiness posts!