Tuesday, December 22, 2009

It's That Time Again

Welcome December ICLW'ers! You can get a quick run down of what has been happening with me over the last 9 or so years on the right side of my blog page. The quick run down is that I'm 33, married, a step-mom to a great 8-year old, been TTC since my first husband, have had 2 failed IUI's and a failed IVF with the new husband, BJ. (I don't use our real names for the sake of some anonymity.) We have been married since May of 2007 but I threw out my BCP in May of 2006. Right now, I'm sort of in a holding pattern...not doing anything medical, just temping and testing with OPK's and trying to time things correctly. I'm not doing such a good job of any of it lately.

I'm not temping because I missed the first few days of my cycle do to moving into a new house (yay!)

I tested with the OPK's but my body has thrown me another curve ball...a very early ovulation...CD9. We missed our window due to very busy schedules and just being tired from everything going on...you know, moving, Christmas, the Little Guy's (BJ's son) basketball schedule...stuff like that.

My cycle hasn't been the same since my failed IVF in July. I used to be very regular and predictable...now, not so much. I'm trying to figure things out but my body is making it very difficult on me. I also think I produce crap eggs but nothing has been proven about that.

You can read a little about my past here, here and here . I have found the online blogging community to be invaluable during these times. I have received so much support and encouragement from my blogging buddies. Not to mention many laughs and even some tears related to their struggles. There is always someone that knows how we are feeling...and strangely enough they know the exact comment that we need to read at that time.

Thank you so much for stopping by...leave a comment so I can check out your blog, too!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I'm not very P.C so I still say Merry Christmas instead of the generic Happy Holidays. However, for any of my non-Christmas celebrating readers...Happy Holidays! I guess I am still P.C. after all.

1 comment:

Jem said...

I know what you mean about wanky cycles post IVF. This month my cycle was 35 days. Before IVF it was consistently 30 days.

Thanks IVF!

ICLW, plus I'm a regular!! :-)