Friday, January 28, 2011

Less Than 2 Weeks

My appointment with the RE is less than 2 weeks away.  How cool is that?  I know that it's very preliminary and that we may not even be able to move forward, but I'm trying to keep the Hope alive.  I actually went into my craft know, the 4th bedroom that has been mocking me since our failed IVF...and decided where I would put a crib, changing station/dress and glider.  That's just pure Crazy talk with a capital C.  But I did it and then I walked out of the room and said to myself...hopefully.

I just want to be accepted into the program.  I want a CHANCE at this Motherhood thing.  I want to exhaust my options.  Of course, that means that I will be signing up for up to 6 fresh IVFs...that will exhaust me physically, emotionally and mentally I'm sure.  My first IVF about did me in.  Maybe that was because I knew it was our one shot.  If we get accepted into the program we will have more chances to be successful.  I'm hoping that will subdue some of my fretting.  Time will tell.

I'm on CD7 today.  I haven't been temping and I won't be doing OPKs this time.  I'm out of them and I didn't order more because I'd like to be stress free in the babymaking department for these next couple of weeks.  I'll be on CD20 the day of my appointment.  If all goes well, I should be able to start testing on CD3 of my next cycle which should be somewhere between February 19 and 24.  That's less than a month away.

This is all presumptive of us making it that far.  Fingers crossed.

The first set of curtains that I ordered arrived this week and we should be going to pick them up tomorrow.  Yay!  My office curtains should be delivered Monday.  That means we need curtain rods and to buckle down and put them all up.  I can't wait.  The only thing left for the bedroom will be painting.  We've lived there for over a year and we still don't have things straight.  I guess it gives us something to do with our weekends, right?

The Little Guy has a basketball game tomorrow.  He made 2 baskets at his last game. It was so fun to watch!  He played it off like he makes baskets all the time...he's Mr. Cool, you know.  We all knew how excited he was on the inside.  :-)  I'm hoping he has another good game tomorrow.

I'm done with snow.  It's snowing again.  I don't think much is sticking but that's not the point.  I'm ready for Spring...NOW, please.  I feel like I'm living in a snow globe for crying out loud.

I hope you all have a great weekend!  I'm working on some in depth posts about step-parenting (for anyone out there that can relate) but it will take me some time to pull them all together...stay tuned!


Jem said...

Having something to look forward to is so important in this game.

you asked why I haven't tested yet? I'm afraid of seeing a BFN.

EC said...

Good luck with your appointment! I hope you're accepted into the program.

someday-soon said...

I'm so excited for you that your appointment is coming up so soon! My shared risk plan included 6 cycles but only 3 fresh. It was an "up to 6" kind of deal with 3 of them being FET cycles if you had frozen embies from a fresh cycle. That seems to be the way most of them work. Hope you have a great weekend and the Little Guy does good at his game and you all stay warm in your snow globe =)

A said...

just to take some pressure off of you, we have lived here for three years and have not painted a single room, and only have curtains in 2 rooms! hahahaha (there are blinds...)

will be praying that you are accepted into the program!

Alex said...

Less than 2 weeks away! I am so hopeful for you!