Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Last Day of Work Until January 4!

Yay for a long break! I haven't had a long break at all this year. I've taken a day or two here and there off, but I haven't had any real TIME off. Until now, that is. Today is my last day of work until January 4 and I couldn't be happier. Plus, the office is like a ghost town so there is plenty of time to get caught up with blogs and personal business. :-)

The new house is coming along slowly. You would think that being snowed in over the weekend would have yielded a lot of results as far as unpacking and organizing. You'd be wrong. We woke up Saturday morning to about 6-8 inches of snow. We had breakfast and BJ drank 2 cups of coffee. It was time to head outside to start digging. We were out there for about 2 hours taking turns shoveling. We had to take turns because we were not smart enough when we bought the snow shovel 2 years ago to buy 2. It was so disappointing to see our foot prints nearly filled in after those 2 hours of digging. We needed a break. And who wants to unpack and organize after spending 2 hours shoveling snow? Not us. We went back out a few hours later and had even more snow to shovel. Another 2 hours out there and we were wondering when it was going to stop. We decided not to shovel in the dark and to clean off the deck so that we could grill up some pork chops. We cleaned and swept the deck off. BJ came in and got the meat ready and we decided to have some potatoes with the pork chops. By that time...all of 40 minutes maybe...there was almost another inch on the deck! Good grief, as Charlie Brown would say. Sunday morning before we even ate breakfast we were out there again, shoveling. Finally we had blacktop and it wasn't covered 10 minutes later. The snow stopped about 10:00 Saturday night and I think we got about 18-20 inches...depending on where you measure.

The best part about the snow storm was that this is the first time I've been able to sit on my couch and watch the snow fall out of a big was beautiful. And to have the fire going and the tree lights was definitely a nice way to spend the day. Aside from all the exhausting shoveling.

We met the people that will be living across the street from us. Not sure what to think of them yet. The woman asked me if we had kids and I told her that BJ has a son and she asked "how old?" I told her 8 and she said, "oh that's a good babies." Her husband then said, "yeah, she's fine with anything over 3 or so." WTF?? We had a long conversation with them out in the cold. They have not been having a good experience with their builder so it was a lot of bitching and complaining. I will have to give them another chance when things aren't so stressful for them.

My phone line at home has not been fixed yet. That means, no phone and no Internet. I had to go to the library Monday to use the computer. Very frustrating. I need to call the phone company again but I'm so tired of them telling me that it's on the schedule to be fixed. DO YOUR JOB!! Would they want to be at home with no phone service for this long? I don't think so. What if I have to call 911 for some kind of emergency? Yes, we have cell service at this house, but that is SO not the point. I need my Internet! I'm going to be home for over a you know how many blog entries I will miss??? AARGH!

Ok, enough griping. I wrapped the gifts for BJ's family last night and it wasn't that many but I was so tired of wrapping when I was done. I'm going to wrap the Little Guy's gifts tonight and BJ's as well. I still need to get a few stocking stuffers but other than that, I'm done. I'm hoping to feel more Christmassy once the presents are wrapped. It's been hard this year with moving and not really having the time to decorate the way I want. Plus, I keep thinking about how I should be 5 months pregnant right now. That is the really hard part. I'm missing my lost embryos. I know that sounds silly, but I can't help it. Bedroom #4 stares at me every time I walk passed it. It's completely empty except a few things in the closet. It should be the nursery. I think it will get easier to deal with once the Little Guy gets his bunkbeds and we move his bed into that room and make it a real guest room. I hope it gets easier.

In case I don't get Internet while I'm on break I want to wish all of my blogging buddies a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year! And may we ALL get our 2010 BFP's sooner rather than later! Hugs and kisses to you all!


Anonymous said...

Wrapping Christmas presents is probably one of my favorite things :). I use to lock myself in the bedroom with my sisters and we'd wrap presents and giggle for hours!
Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

Finn's Mom said...

Oh, it sounds so pretty to sit by your big window and watch the snow fall with the fire roaring and the tree twinkling!! If only Santa's elves would just take care of the shovelling!!

Yay for you having 2 weeks off!! I'm sorry you've been feeling sad, thinking about your lost embies. But it's only natural at the holidays. I keep stumbling upon my pregnancy ticker that I torture myself by having bookmarked. I've definitely been checking it more lately, to see where Peanut would be at this point. :( May 2010 bring us all the hopes & wishes that we've been dreaming of!

A said...

I would be missing my embies, too, if I were in you position. (hug) Watching the snow fall out your big window sounds absolutely perfect- I hope your Christmas is a great one!

C said...

Wow, that's a lot of snow!!! Sitting by the fire, watching the snow fall outside sounds delightful.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

shoveling snow for hours? i cant even get husb to mow the lawn, we would definetly be trapped in a snow storm, lol

i wish you the best of luck in your journey
Merry Christmas
ICLW hugs!

Half of a Duo, Raising a Duo said...

Blessings to you in the new home and may it bring you luck TTC.

YOu might as well "baptize" every room and have a blast doing it.

Perhaps that will do the trick.

I will pray it does! ICLW!!!!

Wifey said...

Yay for a White Christmas! Shoveling isn't fun, but having a White Christmas is awesome. Good luck getting to know the neighbors better. Maybe they are different when they aren't so stressed out.


[cre] said...

You're so lucky - I wish it had snowed here!!! It's not very common for us to get snow ... may the new year bring you peace!!


Anonymous said...

I hope you are enjoying your break and that you never stop enjoying the view from the big window! As a permanent renter, I am so thankful (and a little guilty) when I see our landlords shoveling the snow outside. DH offers to help each time it snows, but they always turn us down.

Congrats on getting into the new house and here's hoping that the phone & internet service arrive this week.